22 FOR 1

Artistic Expressions as a collective prayer for Earth

Each wave is a mandala of 22 prayers for ONE EARTH, Our Home!

1st Wave

A mandala of

Dance for Earth

22 Dancers

2nd Wave

A mandala of

Arts for Earth

22 Canvases

3rd Wave

A mandala of

Songs for Earth

22 Voices

4th Wave

A mandala of

Eyes for Earth

22 Faces

Life and death; entropy. An ode to the ebb and flow of the circle of life, and to the magnitude of power within nature’s embrace. We are so small and insignificant in the face of Mother Earth yet if we surrender to this and channel her energy, there exists a pulsing strength greater than anything else. So look both inward and outward when seeking a new season of life – solace, renewal, and the web of interconnection are there for the taking, in every light breeze just as in every deep breath. 


22 FOR 1

prayers for Earth

Join us!

22 Dancers

22 Canvases

22 Voices

22 Faces

One Earth, Our Home

This is a global collaborative project calling for another level of collective awakening. Through this collective expression of dance and expressive arts, 22 for 1 will deliver a powerful prayer and support positive change for our ONE planet, OUR selves. 

This is the beginning of the start. This project needs you! Would you like to be one of the 22 dancers or artists?

It’s a volunteer-based project. Will you join us?  If yes

What to prepare

  1. Your INTENTION – a message or a prayer that you want to say for Earth.
  2. Your chosen EXPRESSION – a creative expression that you would like to use to communicate your prayer. (dance, movement, or art)
  3. Your finished PIECE of creation. Email these to: info@dancemandala.com 

Make a 55-second video for our YouTube channel. Please submit a standard aspect ratio: 16:9 (1080p (HD): 1920 x 1080).